Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Break in the Clouds

08-06-2009 (Written offline)

Just now, I’m sick of hotels, unfamiliar food, and generally feeling displaced. Even when we get our house, we won’t have access to the things we packed until they get here in another five weeks (you’ve heard about the slow boat to/from China – that’s what they are on). Brad has been to work every day these last four days and we’ve been stuck here with nothing to do. We are all going a little stir crazy. Grumpy me. I think I need to go for a run.

School is supposed to start next Wednesday and we are still putting in applications to schools. AISG is not going to work out, they base admissions too heavily on the entrance exam performance; our 13 year-old son has never taken that sort of test before and found it confusing. Our 15 year-old daughter has limited experience with those exams also, add jet-lag into the mix, plus our late application, and I think it was not good. We have talked with another international school which doesn’t require an entrance exam, and they place into grades according to age. This is how it was done in Utah and we were able to help our kids through the transition from homeschool to public school quite well. It took a lot of effort at home, but it did work out. I already know our 15 year-old has the ability to do just fine in whatever school she goes to. She’s already made the transition to “regular” school.

Someone from church just called to tell me she has a car and would love to take me shopping for some of the things that we will need in order to get a home set up. That was really a nice ray of hope in a dreary day. We can make it through this and I know the Lord is mindful of us.

It’s finally stopped raining now. I even see some blue sky at the moment.

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